
Imagining The Next Moon Mission

  • Chabot at Large / / November 15, 2022

  • What is launching onboard Artemis 1? Aside from exciting new technology, there are also special items like 245 Silver Snoopy pins, a Moon rock from Apollo 11 and a USB with essays from the Artemis essay contest. One of the essays launching with Artemis 1 was written and submitted by teen Galaxy Explorer, Sowmya.

    In her essay titled Yin for the Win, the high school student considers what it would be like to lead a lunar expedition, including who she would bring and what she would leave behind. She imagines an all-woman crew exploring and collecting samples on the South Pole. Two years after submitting her essay, she is finally watching her ideas launch with Artemis 1.

    I feel honored that the words I wrote are on a USB on Artemis I,” said Sowmya, “To think, something I wrote is aboard the most powerful rocket ever made and will go to the Moon and back!”

    50 years after the Apollo missions, NASA is preparing to send the first woman and person of color to the Moon by 2025. While Sowmya has read about and learned about past space missions, the Artemis program will be the first time she will witness astronauts stepping foot on the lunar surface.

    It’s electrifying to think of the discoveries Artemis will make and the possibilities it will open for space travel of the future,” said Sowmya, “My hopes for future space travel include affordable civilian travel. I dream of seeing our beautiful planet, the little blue marble, from above.”


    Yin For The Win by Sowmya

    Of the 12 people who have landed on the moon, we would be the first all-women crew to set foot there. We represent the Yin population. The mission goal is to map and chart the South Pole’s resources.

    As the lead Lunar Researcher and Mission Commander, I ensure the South Pole is completely explored. I always think clearly and critically. Along with a Lunar Geologist, we explore the South Pole regolith. The geologist is instinctive and reacts well under pressure. As she records field data, I collect samples and use tools such as magnetometers and seismometers to discover lunar properties. 

    The third crew member is an Experimental Astrobotanist. She investigates the ideal growing conditions for lunar farming. She is hardworking and surpasses expectations. Finally, we have a Systems Engineer. She is jovial and a strong communicator. I have handpicked this crew based on their expertise, backing-up abilities, and character traits for optimal teamwork.

    We are prepared to face solar winds and meteorites using precautionary sensors and alarms. Still, to prepare future astronauts, we would leave immersion technology – XR. This captures the sights and sensations of the moon as well as magnetic and radiation data to emulate the South Pole. This also enables common people to experience our wonderful Moon.