Free Telescope Viewings

Aerial view of two of our telescope domes, with a background of the night sky and Bay Bridge skyline.
Every Friday and Saturday Night, weather permitting
Chabot Observatory Deck
7:30-10:30 p.m.

Join Chabot astronomers on the Observatory Deck for free telescope viewing! Weather permitting, this is a chance to explore stars, planets and more through Chabot’s historic telescopes. Chabot’s three large historic telescopes offer a unique way to experience the awe and wonder of the Universe. Our observatory deck offers breathtaking views 1,500 feet above the Bay. Three observatory domes house the Center’s 8-inch (Leah, 1883) and 20-inch (Rachel, 1916) refracting telescopes, along with a 36-inch reflecting telescope (Nellie, 2003). 

Are the skies clear for viewing tonight? Viewing can be impacted by rain, clouds, humidity and other weather conditions. Conditions can be unique to Chabot because of its unique location in Joaquin Miller Park.

Before your visit:

Visit Chabot’s Weather Station  Learn About The Next Telescope Viewing


Support Free Telescope Viewings

This continues Chabot’s long legacy as the largest observatory complex regularly free for public viewing in the Western United States. Your donations help us make these programs free and accessible for all.



Chabot houses three telescopes on its observatory deck. Nellie, Chabot‘s most powerful telescope, is a 36-inch reflector telescope, housed in a rolling roof observatory that allows access to 180 degrees of sky. This modern, research-quality telescope offers breathtaking views of the cosmos.

The impressive 20-inch telescope, named Rachel, is the largest refractor in the western United States regularly open to the public. Its companion, the 8-inch Alvan Clark refractor, named Leah, is the original 1883 instrument donated by founder Anthony Chabot.

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