
How to Apply


Chabot Space & Science Center will be accepting applications from High School students for our Summer enrollment, beginning April 15, 2023. Application deadline will be May 15, 2023.

​​Enrollment Requirements:

  • Participants should have an interest in science, math, or technology.
  • Participants must be in the 9th grade or higher by the start of their volunteer service.
  • Applicants must have a valid email address.
  • Applicants must be able to speak and work with visitors of all ages and backgrounds.

Service Requirements:

  • The minimum commitment is at least one full year. We do NOT accept summer-only participants, and you are required to have summer availability for training.
  • The monthly commitment for our volunteer program is 12 hours. Two of your shifts must be “museum floor service” hours for a minimum of 8 hours. The remaining hours can be achieved through a combination of floor hours and/or enrichment hours (which can come from signing up for demo trainings at Chabot, Canvas assignments, or participating in student special interest teams).

2. COMPLETE THE APPLICATION PROCESS, Applications open April 15

  1. Complete online application
  2. Attend one Galaxy Explorer Info Session. Sessions will be held on Sunday, April 2nd and Saturday, April 8th (1-3 PM) in the Megadome Theater at Chabot, with an option to attend virtually via Zoom. Please RSVP by filling out this Google Form
  3. Download, complete, and submit Parental Consent Form (email to galaxyexplorers@chabotspace.org or mail to: Galaxy Explorers, Chabot Space & Science Center, 10000 Skyline Dr., Oakland CA 94619.)


All new volunteers are required to attend the initial training prior to working in the Center (no exceptions). It’s our way of getting your feet wet. You will be introduced to the history of Chabot, safety procedures, customer service skills, the ins-and-outs of the program, and meet program staff and experienced volunteers.

If accepted, you will receive an electronic invitation to start the mandatory training program.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance no later than May 15, 2023.