Carole C. Quan Education Fund

In honor of the life and legacy of Carole C. Quan, the Carole C. Quan Excellence in Science Education Award and Fund was created by Chabot Space & Science Center to recognize and support outstanding, innovative science instructional programs in Oakland secondary schools.

Contribute to the Carole C. Quan Endowment Fund


Carole C. Quan Excellence in Science Education Award
Each year, Chabot will select one science teacher to be awarded the Carole C. Quan Excellence in Science Education Award, in recognition of that teacher’s superior classroom instructional program or innovative research projects for students.

The winner will receive the award and prize check. The teacher will also become a special Chabot Ambassador of Science, meeting with other teachers, participating in seminars, and promoting science education projects at the Center.

Honoring Carole C. Quan
We recognize Carole C. Quan for her decades of support to Chabot Space & Science Center and participation in many of its unique education programs.

Carole was eager to see Chabot’s collective concentration on science education be implemented as a key pathway to future academic success for students. Carole’s long career in the Oakland Unified School District demonstrated her excellence as a visionary leader and stalwart champion of students and teachers.